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Advertisements on its Highest Level with PPC

Indeed, lazy and untargeted advertising has influenced consumer behavior and attitudes. It’s easy to agree with this: advertising messages must really be for me if I’m going to spend more of my time and effort on it. It is often true that the better the targeting, the better the advertising effectiveness. So how can targeting be done so that the ad message bounces to the right relevant address? One handy way to do this is hyperlocal mobile advertising and its creative solutions. Hop on for the best ppc agency !

Hyperlocal Advertising

Let’s say it directly. Hyperlocal is a great-sounding trend word that digital marketers often use to make themselves sound expert. While the term is easy and convenient to use, it is good to be aware that hyperlocal advertising still refers to normal, geographically targeted advertising just a little more specific. In practice, this means that the ad is targeted to a person (or, generally, his or her mobile device) located in a specific, well-defined location.

Hyperlocal advertising utilizes location data typically collected by WiFi or GPS to locate consumers’ locations, which allows the advertiser to reach the target within 50 meters of the coordinates given by the advertiser. Hyperlocal geospatial targeting capabilities are constantly evolving, and new technologies allow for extremely precise targeting.

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The Benefits of Targeted Advertising

We argue that only very specific geo-targeting does not go far enough. Effective hyperlocal advertising needs a clear, compelling promotional message and bold visual distinction in the hectic world of mobile. However, assuming that the message and the graphics side of the ad are in order, what are the benefits of hyperlocal advertising for the advertiser itself.

  • Simply put, the more accurate your regional targeting, the less advertising money goes back where you don’t need it. This will give the advertiser better performance for their ads. Particularly for small budget advertisers, it would be a good idea to think about how accurate geographic targeting can get rid of redundant areas that are not proven to deliver significantly more of the desired action.

With the growth of e-commerce and other online services, physical locations have lost significant importance. Instead, search engine positions and geographic information have become more important. However, it must be remembered that physical locations are still valuable it is just a matter of how to utilize them. Hyperlocal advertising brings to life the values ​​of physical locations in regions and consumers. The benefits bite especially when the target audience is focused on certain types of locations, such as schools, the event area, or the business cluster.

So it’s fair to say that, at its best and in the right context, hyperlocal advertising delivers better results at a lower cost than hurried and lazy basic advertising that has “worked well in the past.”

Uses and opportunities

What would it look like to have targeted mobile advertising in the Helsinki Exhibition Center area, for example at the time of Slush or Tubecon? Hyperlocal advertising offers surprising opportunities to reach your target audience exactly where they have gathered. In the picture below you will see an example of hyperlocal Facebook targeting in the area of ​​Messukeskus and Pasila railway station.