Linktree alternatives

Why you should not use a linktree?

Linktree is a tool that is used to add more than one link to your website or any other link to your Insta bio. This tool is very famous because of the work it does. It makes it very simple for the target users. It has a user-friendly interface and for any link you build, it will create a button for you. So that even if you create more than twenty links your page will not look messy. It will be clear and good and has a good interface.

However, it is not completely free. You will have to pay money to unlock its many other hidden tools. To make use of the linktree beneficially you will need to unlock to see its full potential. That is why there areLinktree alternatives that are free with the same features for free.

Below are the common things that show that you should not use a link tree and try any other link tree alternatives.

1. Linktree is not completely free

Linktree alternatives

Like any other tool or platform that has a premium version linktree also has a premium version. The free linktree tool only provides a finite amount of capabilities. There is not much to do with the free version of the tool. It is really costly to pay almost 6 dollars a month to unlock the premium features, while these features are available for free in other linktree alternative platforms. These features that are included in premium include:

  • Enabling the addition of any number of links to your linktree (Available in the free version).
  • Changing the background of the linktree pertaining to the brand that uses the linked account (You can get this in the free version)
  • Measure the number of times a link is clicked (Available in the free version of the linktree tool)
  • Extra background options to add extra background themes
  • Change the title of the linktree
  • Fully customizable linktree platform according to your brand. You will be able to add profile photos, change the themes and also you will be able to edit the fonts.
  • Daily analytics of the link that has been clicked the highest number of times.
  • You will able to retarget the Instagram and Facebook users by using your websites pixel id in linktree
  • You will be able to add someone as an admin to manage the linktree links.
  • You will be able to schedule your posting using a linktree.

2. It’s not good for your brand

Linktree has a lot of customizable theme options/, It also has a lot of background options and it has put a considerable amount of effort into designing these kinds of themes. But however, some of these themes will not match your needs. And this might spoil your brand totally.

If you choose to use the free version, then the logo of the linktree will e visible at the end of the page. And also your name will be visible in the insta bio and also in the beginning of the page.

People may get confused with your linktree on Instagram. They might think that your link tree link is something like a website.

If you want to get rid of all these then you should take a premium subscription. You might end up paying 72 dollars annually, which is quite a lot of money when most of these re available in other linktree alternatives.